All participants that will be send abstract, must also submit the Graphical abstract, until october 28, 2019.
After the approval of the expanded abstracts, the authors must send to the organization committee a Figure to be presented as Graphical Abstract. This Figure will be presented in projections during the event (there will be no need for oral presentation by the authors). Deadline for submission of Figures is October 28, 2019. There will be evaluation and awarding of the best graphical abstracts presented.
The Graphical Abstract:
As its name implies, it refers to a figure that allows readers to quickly understand the main message of the abstract and aims to encourage search, promote interdisciplinary knowledge and help readers to quickly identify which abstracts are the most relevant to the interests of their researches.
Authors should provide a Figure that clearly represents the study described in the abstract. The Figure can present (at the authors' discretion):
The steps of the study and the main result, or the main idea raised in the study as a whole (see example); or,
An important figure of the original study that summarizes the content, which is presented in a self-explanatory manner, using subtitles if necessary.
The Graphical Abstracts must be sent in a separate file. The Figures should be sent in pdf format to the email: In the body of the email the authors should inform the title of the abstract to which the figure refers.
A Graphical Abstract must be a file of a Figure and should highlight a process or clarify a point. For ease of navigation, a Graphical Abstract should have a clear start and end and preferably be "read" from top to bottom and left to right. Try to reduce distracting or confusing elements as much as possible. And try to avoid unnecessary use of long texts and phrases.
The image Figure size should follow the available template (A4 sheet in landscape orientation). The resolution of the figures should ensure sufficient quality so that it does not hinder their understanding.
Figures with poor resolution that make it difficult to understand or even outside the recommendations specified here may be rejected for presentation (this was previously informed to the authors).
For more information, an email may be sent to