Abstracts from the III Workshop in Genetics and Plant Breeding will be published in the event proceedings as full papers.
For the preparation and submission of abstracts, researchers, technicians and other professionals should follow the instructions presented below:
The deadline for submission of the expanded abstracts to the Organizing Committee of the III Workshop in Genetics and Plant Breeding is October 31, 2019.
Only one abstract as the main author will be allowed per submission with a maximum of six (6) co-authors.
Abstracts should be sent to the Organizing Committee, EXCLUSIVELY, by e-mail: trabalhoswgpb@gmail.com in .docx format
Only abstracts whose the submission author has made the registration with the respective payment will be included in the Proceedings.
Abstract submission does not mean its approval.
It will be accepted for presentation unpublished research, written in Portuguese or English, that represent significant contribution to Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, and related areas. The abstract should report research work, not being accepted project descriptions, work intention or bibliographical reviews.
The text quality (grammar, spelling and typing), as well as the opinions and concepts expressed in the abstracts are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and will be considered as an evaluation criterion by the Scientific Committee. Abstracts will be published as submitted by the authors.
Abstracts should be prepared according to the specifications below:
The text should be typed in the Word for Windows 7.0 or higher editor, formatted for A4 (290 x 297mm) paper, with 2 cm top, bottom, left and right margins;
The text should be written in Times New Roman font, standard character spacing, 1.5 line spacing;
Authors should inform, in the upper left corner of the first page, above the title, the area of concentration of the research, which should be inserted in one of the following areas:
- Plant Genetic Resources
- Plant Breeding
- Genomic Analysis
- Crop Science
- Biosciences and Biotechnology
The title of the abstract should be centered and bold uppercase, leaving a space and then adding in full, font size 16, in small letters, the full name(s) of the components(s) of work team, separated by comma, font size 12. The linking institution, address and email should be written in font size 10 and centralized, after a space below the authors, using superscript increasing numeric call;
Expanded abstracts should contain a maximum of six and a minimum of three pages, obeying the sequence: Title, Authors, Authors Information, Abstract, Resumo, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References. These items should be bold, justified and separated by a space from the upper and lower texts.
The abstract should be written in a single paragraph. Shortly after the abstract should be indicated three to five keywords separated by; (semicolon), these being words that are not present in the title. For abstracts written in English, the topic “Abstract” (written in English) should precede the topic “Resumo” (written in Portuguese).
Scientific names must be written in italics. When present in the title the scientific name should be in lower case. After the first citation in the text, generic species names should be abbreviated with a dot after the first letter of the genus;
Tables and figures (graphics, drawings, illustrations and photos) should be inserted into the text immediately after the citation and should not exceed the page margins. Photographs must be in high resolution, at least 300 dpi.
Figure and table captions should be self-explanatory, concise, and numbered in ascending order.
All references cited in the text should be described in this section. Whenever possible, indicate the doi or access link to the cited papers. Between each reference there should be a single blank space.
The standards for the elaboration of references will follow the models presented below:
Jornal papers: Duncan KE and Howard RJ (2010) Biology of Maize Kernel Infection by Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23(1): 6-16.
Books: Hallauer AR, Carena MJ and Miranda Filho JB (2010) Quantitative genetics in maize breeding. Springer, New York, 664p.
Book chapters: Morais PPP and Borem A (2017) GM cultivars. In Silva FL, Borem A, Sediyama T and Ludke WH (eds) Soybean breeding. Springer, New York, p. 174-189.
Papers presented in congresses: Almeida RN, Marques Júnior E, Campanharo IF, Assis AA, Ferrari JL, Garcia RF (2010) Variabilidade espacial da infestação de moscas-das-frutas num pomar de citros. XIV Encontro Latino Americano de Iniciação Científica. São José dos Campos, São Paulo, p. 1-4.
When the paper is written by three or more authors, only the last name of the first author may be cited, followed by the abbreviation "et al.". Examples: Silva (2019), Silva and Souza (2019) or Silva et al. (2019).
When citations are made at the end of sentences, references to authors should be written in parentheses, in capital letters, followed by the year of publication. Examples: (SILVA, 2019), (SILVA and SOUZA, 2019) or (SILVA et al., 2019).